
The Center for Peace and Spirituality
Announcement!!! New Packing with new Name while formulation, effectiveness and healing power is same like previous. Please recite "Ha Meem Layunsaroon" in large numbers for the protection and help of Hazrat Hakeem Sb, his generations, and Ubqari organization. Recite and spread. Important Change: Earlier, the Halqa e Kashaf ul Mahjoob (The Circle of Revelation of Veiled) used to held every month after Salat Maghrib. Now it has be rescheduled to morning soon after the spiritual glow of the Great Name of Allah, so that the travelers can go back to their homes conveniently.

Strange act: The one, who did firing on armless people, died themselves

Ubqari Magazine - March 2017

Zakia Iqtedar, Bhawal Nagar

She said what shall I tell, I feel like as if there will be some attack. I laughed, I said you have faith on Allah جل جلالہ and then why do you get afraid. He is with nurture. He is the one who is aware of all your matters. He has hold over every particle.

My very close relative came to me along with her husband, stayed at night and next day at 9 pm, it was departure to Islamabad. My relative gets much irritated with long journey. The journey of 12 hours was needed from here. I consoled her a lot but her feelings remained same. Then I said to her that I shall give you such tip of travelling with peace, that if you use it so your trip will be so peaceful and memorable that you won’t have ever done it in whole life even. My relative pain attention towards me with much interest and I took out the tip of Quran from my cupboard and gave it to her. She started seeing me with questioned eyes. She said to me that what is the relation of travelling with Quran? I said that when you will connect with this book so then you will understand. There is the message of peace in this book and solutions of every difficulty and every problem. If you will read it after opening, then you will see its wonders. My relatives said that you are really saying true. I have put really clean cloth covering over Quran decorated it with pearls and stars and closed the Quran inside it and kept it in my show-case that I would keep on watching it. The dust won’t get upon it. It may not be dishonored. You have done injustice with yourself and with this Quran. With our birth Allah جل جلالہ gave us this book that takes it along with you also. We would have seen in our childhood just after opening our eyes that our mothers used to recite Quran by taking us in their lap. They used to take children in their lap, so that the child would remain quiet and there shall be no disturbance in recitation of Quran. The child used to listen to the voice of Quran and used to feel peaceful. You open this Quran and read it. There are very much unique secrets in it. It is my rule that I recite surah Kahaf always before leaving the house. I get safe from many big accidents, difficulties and disasters. The journey spends like this as if I am sleeping on the comfortable bed in my bed room. The condition is that you recite whole surah Kahaf. The mouth of my relative remained open with shock and her eyes got exploded as if I have said that the sky has exploded. Why it seems so difficult to you? You have done PHD. You have read so many difficult books. This is the easiest book of the world. How many books are there in the world they have come into being with this book only. I took out surah Kahaf and gave it to my relative. I said that you recite it, I may do some work. I came out of kitchen, did ablution. After some time I went to the guest sister and found her lost in thoughts. Oh! You are still like this. She said to me that this is very long surah. Now the time is very less. Do this that recites its first and last ruku. Recite the rest of the surah afterwards. Then we moved towards the bus stand. When we reached so got to know that the bus is one hour late. We came back to home. But my guest sister was continuously worried, was sitting lost. I said sister! What is the matter? You have done so much travelling. You have passed deserts, mountains, rivers, oceans but what Is the fear today? She said: what shall I tell, I feel like as if there will be some attack. I laughed, I said you have faith on Allah جل جلالہ and then why do you get afraid. He is with nurture. He is the one who is aware of all your matters. He has hold over every particle. There won’t be anything without His command. You are afraid without any reason. I will give you protective weapon with the command of that lord. But I have one condition. You would have to act upon it. The smile come on her face and said that give me that act, I will recite. I gave the following verse of surah Kahaf

اِذْ اَوَی الْفِتْیَۃُ اِلَی الْکَہۡفِ فَقَالُوْا رَبَّنَآ اٰتِنَا مِنْ لَّدُنْکَ رَحْمَۃً وَّہَیِّئْ لَنَا مِنْ اَمْرِنَا رَشَدًا (کہف۱۰) [Kahaf: 10]


یَنْشُرْ لَکُمْ رَبُّکُمْ مِّنْ رَّحْمَتِہٖ و یُہَیِّئْ لَکُمْ مِّنْ اَمْرِکُمْ مِّرْفَقًا (کہف16)                   ) [Kahaf: 16].

 I wrote these verses and made them separate after getting them photo state in large amount. Then attached them with safety pin and gave it to her. Told her the procedure that as you sit on your seat, recite these verses, recite continuously. When two hours will pass, your husband may tell the driver very calmly that at 2 at night the bus will pass from such place. Over there, little far from road is thick trees. There the covered face men are hidden. They mostly rob the cars. If they surround the bus and say that stop the vehicle, otherwise we will fore so you don’t have to stop the bus. The travelers and bus will fight with the thieves. The driver got very worried. The driver promised that he won’t stop the vehicle. I said to the relative that the educated women which will be in bus, give there verses to them and make them understand and the ones, who don’t know how to read, say them that recite kalma Tayyaba only. If the thieves came and say that we will fire, whole bus may chant Allah o Akbar loudly. You will see the wonder of this big weapon. Till 12 this thing got spread in bus that the thieves can attack. That’s why all those people were reciting that all which was told to them. Life is very precious thing. People were reciting with true spirit in loud voices. The TV stopped. Whoever knows whichever surah, kalma, verse, durood sharif, he was reciting that. At last that thing happen which was predicted. The thieves surrounded the bus from front and back and said that stop the bus at once otherwise we will fire. All the people of bus chanted the takbeer, Allah o Akbar with so much spirit that maybe if someone have not seen the battle field so see in this bus. The bus didn’t stop. That relatice was telling that nearly half an hour we kept on chanting Allah o Akbar. We were enjoying a lot. The back one thief ran away but 2 thieves of front got crushed beneath the vehicle. When the bus reached to the stand, all the people got down. The scene of that bus was something else. Women were shaking hands with each other. Men were hugging each other. It is the miracle of Allah SWT. We all got Allah SWT. The driver also got down and came. He hugged the husband of my relative and said that if the fire would open so I would have been killed first. The husband of my relative said that we asked the time of acceptance surely. Allah جل جلالہ accepted our request. There is no excellence of mine but it is the wonder of Quranic verses and surah Kahaf. The driver said that I was of 18 years from when I am doing driving. I have never seen such scene of love and mercy with my eyes and neither feels in my whole life till today. Really He is very merciful. Today before going to home, I will get present in house of Allah جل جلالہ and will ask forgiveness for my sins. I will give charity that merciful lord saved my children from being orphan

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